
Eatin Good in the Hood

So, since moving here, Rob and I have had a great opportunity to do what we like to do best together: eat.  We have tried a ton of new places (most were very, very awesome).  We like to watch the Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives show and that's taken us to some great places.  Ones that we've been to so far on there:

Joey K's.  We went here before we saw this on the show.  It was awesome! Rob got a pot roast and I had chicken cordon bleu and we really can't wait to go back.  So many restaurants, so little time and dollars.  This place is within walking distance, so definitely will return.

Mahony's.  Rob and I walked here the other night to get some po boys.  Rob got a po boy with french fries, cheddar and pot roast gravy.  I had the root beer glazed ham and cheese.  We split a piece of the sweet potato pie that the show on the clip.  Overall, it was pretty good!

Katie's.  Hands down my favorite, and Rob's favorite as well.  We had the garlic feta fries and then the Bordreaux pizza.  We were unable to finish all of the pizza, but wow was it great.  We are dying to go back here - Thursdays is $10 pizza night, so this is definitely going to happen in the future.  The only down side is that we have to drive there, but so worth it.

We have been to many other places and have a huge list of places to try still! We have only had fast food once since moving here in May, which is impressive.  We cook a lot, but it's nice having so many options to eat (especially within walking distance) that are local and (more importantly) delicious.  Thankfully, the workout regime is still in effect, so no New Orleans gut is appearing (yet).


Journey to The French Quarter

Last night we journeyed to The French Quarter, and listened to some music. I met up with my wife at Popeye's for somedeep fried goodness and then went over to Yuki's for some super sexy plum wine and some even sexier old clips of Astroboy. The two guys playing classical guitar were also pretty good.

Then, we walked over to Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop and grabbed a beer while listening to Mike Hood on the piano.

Yuengling may own my heart, and Sam Adams pays rent but as far as local beer goes....Abita can live for free.

Since age is a factor, and it was getting late, we decided to head back to the street car but now before walking back up Bourbon and seeing these wonderful sights:

1) Crazy Old Jesus Freaks (tm) with a giant wooden cross and bullhorn preaching repentance in front of Hustler. (yeah, that'll work. keep trying pops)

2) Also in front of the strip clubs....middle aged sweaty white trash guy drinking beer and wheeling a stroller with his two kids. Refer to the beginning of previous sentence.

3) I forgot what this one was.

City Park

On Sunday, Rob and I ventured to City Park after my work meeting.  We have been to City Park before; it's so huge that it will take many, many more outings to really explore all of it.

Naked lady fountain
 We brought along some snacks and things to read.

Rob preparing the picnic spot
We laid around reading and eating for a while, and then got up to explore more of the park in the oppressive heat.

I find it hard to appear enthusiastic when I don't know when Rob is taking the picture.

Creepy attempt at seduction

I wish we could swim in there, because it was hot as balls

We decided to walk over to the Sculpture Garden and check that out.

Blockheads just like us!

Rob found this sculpture lacking in subject and decided to take art into his own hands.

Rob faces his literal biggest fear

I want this awesome nightmare for our yard.
I can't wait to go back to the park and maybe rent a paddle boat!  Going to the New Orleans Museum of Art in City Park is definitely on our to do list. Also, we are looking forward to seeing the park in the fall; it's so gorgeous, but I bet it's even more gorgeous then!