
Journey to The French Quarter

Last night we journeyed to The French Quarter, and listened to some music. I met up with my wife at Popeye's for somedeep fried goodness and then went over to Yuki's for some super sexy plum wine and some even sexier old clips of Astroboy. The two guys playing classical guitar were also pretty good.

Then, we walked over to Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop and grabbed a beer while listening to Mike Hood on the piano.

Yuengling may own my heart, and Sam Adams pays rent but as far as local beer goes....Abita can live for free.

Since age is a factor, and it was getting late, we decided to head back to the street car but now before walking back up Bourbon and seeing these wonderful sights:

1) Crazy Old Jesus Freaks (tm) with a giant wooden cross and bullhorn preaching repentance in front of Hustler. (yeah, that'll work. keep trying pops)

2) Also in front of the strip clubs....middle aged sweaty white trash guy drinking beer and wheeling a stroller with his two kids. Refer to the beginning of previous sentence.

3) I forgot what this one was.

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