
City Park

On Sunday, Rob and I ventured to City Park after my work meeting.  We have been to City Park before; it's so huge that it will take many, many more outings to really explore all of it.

Naked lady fountain
 We brought along some snacks and things to read.

Rob preparing the picnic spot
We laid around reading and eating for a while, and then got up to explore more of the park in the oppressive heat.

I find it hard to appear enthusiastic when I don't know when Rob is taking the picture.

Creepy attempt at seduction

I wish we could swim in there, because it was hot as balls

We decided to walk over to the Sculpture Garden and check that out.

Blockheads just like us!

Rob found this sculpture lacking in subject and decided to take art into his own hands.

Rob faces his literal biggest fear

I want this awesome nightmare for our yard.
I can't wait to go back to the park and maybe rent a paddle boat!  Going to the New Orleans Museum of Art in City Park is definitely on our to do list. Also, we are looking forward to seeing the park in the fall; it's so gorgeous, but I bet it's even more gorgeous then!

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