

So, there really hasn't been much going on here; no outings to report! Yesterday, I had a holiday day off from work, so Rob and I walked around on Magazine street to do some window shopping and real shopping (and eating).  The only real shopping that we did was at Trashy Diva where I got a shirt for work and drooled over everything else in there - possibly my favorite store to look in.

Anyhow, Rob and I spent hours walking along Magazine.  It's fun to walk around here - it's free and there's a ton to look at:

Guitar cat rockin' it out

This person's display changes periodically.  Last time it was a bowling set up and I really wish I'd gotten a picture of that one!  Now it has a random midget skeleton.

We finished our day at Juan's Flying Burrito for dinner; this place is so freaking tasty.  We had the crawfish queso dip and wow, yum!! We are trying to not visit the same place twice yet so we can try new places, but this place is definitely already a repeat because it's just that good (and cheap).  Everything either of us has tried was so delicious.

But, back to walking:

Working in the French Quarter definitely lends itself to lots of fun lunch break walks along the Mississippi River or just around the Quarter itself.  I've started carrying my camera so I can take pictures of some of my favorite sights.  It has been raining so frequently for days on end that I haven't been able to venture out much, but today I could.

Love this Medusa picture

Obviously one of my faves.

However, it would be uncomfortable/awkward to get good pictures of some of the things I'd like to capture such as random vibrant hobos and panhandlers.  For example, I've seen some very dedicated clown get-ups (kudos to the bum in the wheelchair for entire face paint).  Catching random parades on Canal when I get off of work has also been fun - last week I caught my first set of parade beads on my own!  Wish I'd had my camera, but I'll make sure to carry it from now on.

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