
Insectarium Expedition

The weather here this week has been sooooo incredibly dreary and yucky; I'd really been looking forward to some quality time in bed with a book on my day off.  Definitely got some of that in, but didn't want to feel too lethargic, so Rob and I braved the weather and took the street car down to the Quarter to go to the Audubon Insectarium.  I'd gotten tickets for us from livingsocial * a few weeks ago, so we figured it was a good day to use them.

Awesome giant koi fish

Butterflies also enjoying the very rainy view of Canal


Rob was still soaked from our walk; attempts to not smile when posing with butterfly

Rolling the ball of dung

Big earthworm

Check out my sweet armor

We had a good time.  We were there for quite a while (at least 2 hours).  They did have some food prepared in the back of the museum with bugs.  Rob and I tried pretty much all of them - my favorite was the chocolate "chirp" cookies with crickets in them.

After a relaxing streetcar ride home (i.e. I almost fell asleep), we came home and relaxed.  

For dinner, since we were both home and wanted to cook together, we decided to try a recipe we'd found: Crab Cake Mac N Cheese.  In a quest to make this somewhat healthier, I swapped the regular pasta for Ronzoni Smart Taste macaroni and the cheeses for Cabot 50% reduced fat cheddar (normally I like the 75% reduced fat kind, but I figured since it needed to melt well for this that I'd get the 50%).  This dish took a lot longer to make than anticipated, but the result was well worth it:

The topping is a hot sauce/panko crumb mixture


Good thing we both really liked it, because this recipe made a ton! With the swaps that we made, according to my BodyMedia food logger, one serving (I put in that this made 8 servings, and they're pretty generous servings) is 423 calories.  Not too bad.

* Livingsocial and Groupon have been a great place to find stuff on our "to do" and "to eat" list for cheaper.  We've used a few now; we keep all the ones that we have on the side of the fridge as a reminder of fun stuff to do together when we have some free time.

Rob's birthday is Wednesday, so we have another outing planned: the WWII Museum (Rob's pick).

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god you look great! I haven't seen pictures of you in ages, but you look so thin!

    That crabcake mac n cheese sounds ridiculously delicious. I think it's great that you two are doing so much stuff... we've been living in the bay area for three years now, and I feel like there's still so much to see and do, but we rarely go out and do it unless someone is
